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Jumbie Jam Song Book - Songs by Letter - Children's Favorites

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A fantastic book for beginners.  Start playing your Jumbie Jam in minutes!  This song book keeps it simple with EASY TO READ LARGE PRINT LETTERS for Instant Success.  Sing-Along while your child plays tunes that are tops on the kids’ hit parade.  This book can be used for other instruments or to start a family band! 

More than just fun - playing music ignites all areas of child development, helping body and mind work together.

The ability to read music is not required; the notes in the book match the notes labeled on your Jumbie Jam Pan.   Also includes sections containing Playing Techniques, Steel Pan Care and a Memories Page.  Save the great memories of the experience of playing for your family & friends by logging your special performances on the Memory Page. 

Difficulty Level – Beginner Ages 3+

Songs include: Twinkle Twinkle / Mary had a Little Lamb / Old McDonald / This Old Man / Row Row Row your Boat / Do-Re-Mi / Chopsticks / When the Saints Go Marching In


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