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C-Lead Pan Only / Proceed ordering to get on waiting list - Silver



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High-Quality Pan Packages at an Affordable Price!   

IMPORTANT ORDER INFORMATION: Due to the high demand of our handcrafted Pans, there could be a delay in fulfillment.  You can place your order now to get on the list.  We will contact you within three business days to provide you a fulfilment schedule.  If you have any questions before ordering, you can contact us by clicking the “Ask a Question” or call 330-745-3155.

Our popular Hammer Series - Full Size Steel Pans provide a high-quality instrument at an affordable price for school budgets and the general player.  Panyard’s 35+ years of Pan building experience and innovations guarantee a high quality pan, properly tuned at an affordable price.

This pan is built using our special steel. MADE in USA in Akron, Ohio facility where our professional staff of tuners tune them using our state-of-the-art technology producing the BEST PANS in this price range.

The note layouts are very similar to Panyard’s World Class Solid Hoop Pan layouts, which take advantage of our advanced understanding of the physics and geometry of Pan providing the optimum play-ability and timbral consistency.  

Packages include: 

Pan and FREE classic aluminum mallets.

Choice of three skirt colors:

High Gloss Silver - shines like a traditional chrome pan but without any eco-harmful chrome.  Non-glare silver playing surface makes it easy to see under all lights or outdoors.   

Black - a pan with an attitude!  No eco-harmful chroming process.  Non-glare silver playing surface makes it easy to see under all lights or outdoors.   

Chrome - the classic look of pan.   



    • Standard 4ths & 5ths layout Lead Pan from Middle C
    • Pan Diameter - 23 inches
    • Pan Depth - 8.5 inches

Please contact our Pan expert Ron Kerns for additional questions

Toll Free USA: 1-800-377-0202

International: 1-300-745-3155



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