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Jumbie Jam Pentatonic & Key Conversion Magnet Kits - 4 Kit Pack

20+ in stock
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Quickly and Easily convert your Jumbie Jam Steel Pan to Pentatonic, other keys or simply block the notes you don’t want played.  

Expand your music classroom curriculum by intermixing traditional Orff instruments with Pentatonic JJs.  Expand your JJ utilization by changing the key or blocking specific notes for teaching with other instruments.  

Each kit includes two magnets in the shape of the notes on your JJ pan.  Each magnet is labeled “Don’t Play this Note” along with the JJ Logo.  To convert simply place the magnets on the notes you want blocked.

This package includes 4 Kits for a total of 8 magnets.

♫ Pentatonic Conversion - G-Diatonic Pan                                    
G Major - block C & F#
C Major - block B & F#
D Major - block G, g & C
A Minor - block B & F#                                                                                                        B Minor - block G, g & C
E Minor - block C & F#

 Key Conversion - G-Diatonic Pan                                    
G Major - open
C Major – block F# / Gap Note F
D Major - block C  / Gap Note C#
E Minor – Open                                                                                                                    A Minor – F# / Gap Note F
B Minor - block C / Gap Note C#

 Block groups of notes  
Apply additional magnets limiting access to only the notes you choose.

 Pentatonic Conversion - F-Diatonic Pan                                    
F Major - block Bflat & E
Bflat Major - block A & E
G Minor - block A & E
D Minor - block Bflat & E

 Key Conversion - F-Diatonic Pan                                    
F Major - open
Bflat Major – block E / Gap Note E
C Major - block Bflat / Gap Note Bflat
D Minor – Open                                                                                                                    G Minor – E / Gap Note E
A Minor - block Bflat / Gap Note Bflat

 Block groups of notes  
Apply additional magnets limiting access to only the notes you choose. 


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